Spinous fluggea or indian Snow Bush Flowers - Katupila
Spinous fluggea - Indian Snow bush Fruits- Katu Pila
Common Classification Common Names Spinous fluggea, Indian Snow Bush Sinhala Name Katu Pila Scientific Classification Family Phyllanthaceae Genus Flueggea. Scientific Name Flueggea leucopyrus Synonym Flueggea xerocarpa, Phyllanthus lucena Ecology Category Weed-Herb -Wild Growth Habit Small-Vine-Tree-Shrub Duration Perennial Origin Indigenous Status Natural Property Culinary / Edible No Use as Herb Yes Other Use No Poisoned / Toxin No
Flueggea leucopyrus is a small tree or shrub grown in Wet zone or dry zone in low country. It is is a species of Phyllanthaceae family native to Sri Lanka also India. It is slow growing small woody tree grows up to about one meter or two in height. It grows naturally on sideways, wood lands or scrub jungles as a weed and is a medicinal plants used in Ayurveda