Crows Foot Tree - Naawa Patta
Common Classification Common Names Crows Foot Tree, Orange Fruited, Peanut Tree. Sinhala Name Naawa, Nawa Patta Scientific Classification Family Malvaceae Genus Sterculia Scientific Name Sterculia balanghas Synonym Southwellia balanghas Ecology Category Herb-Wild Growth Habit Tree Duration Perennial Origin Indigenous Status Natural Property Culinary / Edible No Use as Herb Yes Other Use No Poisoned / Toxin No
Orange Fruited Tree or Nawa in Sinhalese is a native plant to Sri Lanka and India. It is commonly found on forest borders, land borders in low country in Sri Lanka. The tree grow up to about 10-15 meters in height and used in Ayurveda. Also it is called as "Nawa Patta" that mean "Nawa fiber", because in early times in Sri Lanka, bark of the tree was used to make ropes, bags or related items.