Flower of morning glory
Common Classification | |
Common Names | Tievine, Bell vine, Bell weed, Morning Glory |
Scientific Name | Ipomoea cordatotriloba (Ipomoea lacunosa, Ipomoea triloba) |
Sinhalese Name | Wal Thel kola |
Scientific Classification | |
Family | Convolvulaceae |
Genus | Ipomoea |
Species | I..cordatotriloba* I.triloba |
Status | |
Culinary / Edible | No |
Use as Medicament | No |
Poisoned / Toxin | Yes |
Description | |
Origin | Native to America and introduced plant to Sri Lanka India and other Asian countries. In Sri Lanka. not used in herbs.Little bell vine is a fast growing annual vines that commonly found on anywhere such as rich soil of road sideways, land borders,and croplands. The Vine grows on the ground, fences, and walls that with or without help of another trees. This plant is a noxious invasive plant, which threatens the agriculture must be control anyway. |
Identification | One-leaf clove is a evergreen perennial herbaceous plant that naturally found on road sideways grasslands and borders of paddy Fields. Leaves are green, Cordate shape but sometime may be trilobed. The plant/vine blooms beautiful purple flowers in the morning and wilt when the sunrise. so called :Morning Glory".The plant closely related to the species Ipomoea cordifolia plant. |
Leaf of Ipomoea or Wal thel kola( in Sinhalease)