05/22/14 | SL Flora

SL Flora

Asystasia gangetica .alba Flower
Common Classification
Common Names Ganges Primrose, Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Creeping Foxglove, Justicia gangetica
Name in Sinhalese Wal Puruk, Kaha Puruk, Mal Puruk
Categories Ornamental, Weed
Scientific Classification
Family Acanthaceae
Genus Asystasia
Species A.gangetica sub Alba
Scientific Name Asystasia gangetica .alba, or Asystasia intrusa alba

Culinary / Edible No
Use as Medicament No
Poisoned / Toxin No
Description This is a ornamental plant,which naturalized from Christmas Island.and now become a weed that may be invasive
Related species

Asystasia gangetica .alba leaves
Asystasia gangetica Flowers
Common Classification
Common Names Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Creeping Foxglove
Name in Sinhalese Wal Puruk, Sudu Puruk
Categories Weed
Scientific Classification
Family Acanthaceae
Genus Asystasia
Species A.gangetica,mirantha
Scientific Name Asystasia gangetica .micrantha, or Asystasia intrusa

Culinary / Edible No
Use as Medicament No
Poisoned / Toxin No
Description This is a exotic invasive weed naturalized from America and Africa.
Related species
Leaves of Asystasia gangetica .micrantha
Ruellia prostrata flower
Common Classification
Common Names Prostrate Wild Petunia, Bell weed
Name in Sinhalese Nil Puruk, Puruk
Categories Herbs
Scientific Classification
Family Acanthaceae
Genus Ruellia
Species R.prostrata
Scientific Name Dipteracanthus prostratus or Ruellia prostrata

Culinary / Edible No
Use as Medicament yes Mid leaves
Poisoned / Toxin No
Description Ruellia prostrata (protratus) Nil Puruk is a small medicine plant that Native to Sri Lanka and India .Found on road side ways wood lands and home gardens.
Related species
Nil puruk

Common Classification
Common Names Minnie Root,  Popping Pod, blue bell, Fever root.
Name in Sinhalese Wal Puruk
Categories Weed, shrubs
Scientific Classification
Family  Acanthaceae
Genus  Ruellia
Species  R.tuberosa
Scientific Name  Ruellia tuberosa
Culinary / Edible  No
Use as Medicament  No
Poisoned /Toxin No
Description Wal puruk or Minnie Root is exotic plant to Sri Lanka that native to Central America and now naturalized throughout Wet zone and dry zone in the country. It is commonly considered as a weed in Sri Lanka but, some countries use as a Medicine. 
Related species
Melastoma polyanthum- Bovitiya

Flower of Melastoma, Blue Tongue or Melastoma polyanthum- Bovitiya
Common Classification
Common Names Melastoma, Blue Tongue, Rhododendron, Lassiandra, Starry Osbeckia
Name in Sinhalese Bovitiya, Ma Bovitiya, Wel Bovitiya
Categories Herbs, Shrubs
Scientific Classification
Family Melastomataceae
Genus Melastoma
Species M.polyanthum
Scientific Name Melastoma polyanthum
Culinary / Edible Yes Low Fruits
Use as Medicament Yes Low Leaves, Bark
Poisoned / Toxin No
Description The Osbeckia octandra,  Melastomataceae of  family Small evergreen tree about 1 to 2 meters tall,  has dark green simple leaves with beautiful purple  flowers with  yellow middle about 5-6 cm wide with 5 petals. It is native to Sri Lanka and India and Naturalize in Australia. In  Sri Lanka, the plant can be found on close to water streams, and sideways of paddy fields. Also found as hybrids on home garden as a ornamental plant.
Related species Osbeckiya stellata - Mal Bovitiya (Hybrid)
Osbeckiya octandra - Heen Bovitiya (wild)

Melastoma polyanthum- Bovitiya LeavesMelastoma polyanthum-  old leaves turn bright orange

Ripe Melastoma Fruits (Blue tongue)Melastoma Fruits

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